Whaioro Trust

Kaupapa Māori Mental Health and Addiction Service

We provide free services which offer:

  • Wellbeing and Vocational services for whānau
  • Counselling services for rangatahi who are affected by       

alcohol and other drugs

  • Health Coaching
  • Alternative Education programmes
  • Social Worker
  • Bars Practitioner

Whaioro Trust is a Ngāti Raukawa ki te tonga Iwi-established Kaupapa Māori Provider of Mental Health and Addiction services.

We are situated in both Palmerston North and Levin and cover the Horowhenua and Manawatū regions including Feilding through to Ōtaki.

Whaioro is a holistic and culturally grounded approach to improving whānau mental health and addressing addictions. Through sustained efforts in cultural revitalization, community empowerment, Rangahau, education, access, and equity, Whaioro Trust aims to create a future where whānau thrive in mental well-being and resilience.

We are part of an integral network of Iwi and Māori providers who work from Whānau Ora, whānau centered and strength-based approaches. All are part of the Te Waiora Collective, and Whaioro Trust is also a member of the Horowhenua Tū Tonu Mai alliance providing clinical respite.

Our Services

Mahi Tu Ora - Wellbeing & Vocational Support

Building confidence and preparing for work or training

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Rangatahi Alcohol and Other Drugs Counselling

Rehabilitation support

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Te Ata Kura - Alternative Education

Holistic learning approach

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Kaiwhakapuaki Waiora

Health Coach

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